Shut Up And Take My Money! – Aggressive Consumerism

Posts Tagged ‘phone

Popslate – E-Ink Screen In Your Phone Case!

Posted by: admin on: December 17, 2012

Use it as a permanent clock, show your latest messages or read a book on it, E-Ink allows you to do all these things on your phone and not kill your battery. I want one! You can pre-order one for $75 at their Indiegogo page

Great for travel, presentations or just showing off to your friends. Depending on the quality of the picture you need you can get a cheap one for $99 or a branded one forĀ  $257 or one that fits your iPhone for $239.99

It’s a simple idea, this gizmo allows you to use a Playstation controller with your Android phone. There are emulators for virtually every console and now the thousands of classic games for them become infinitely more playable! $15 wireless, $25 wired. Via

The iCache – Turn Your Phone Into Your Wallet

Posted by: admin on: August 9, 2012

This clever gadget scans in your cards and stores the information behind a biometric fingerprint system. Then when you want to use a card it loads the information onto the programmable card on the back. You can pick one up for a scorching $200 from Geode.

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